New After School VAN – Ready for Pick-up







Merry Christmas Think Cherry Tree We just received this beautiful Chevy Express 3500. It drives like a dream and is ready for After School Pick Up at the following schools: Bentley Elementary, Lake Mary Elementary, Heathrow Elementary, Wilson Elementary, Galileo Gifted School, Crystal Lake Elementary, Lake Mary Prep, Millenium Middle School and more.
Please call my personal business line for more info over the break: 407-314-4464

After we picked up this beautiful van, we just had to test it out. We decided to drive it on a wintry tour through Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Would it be comfortable enough? Was it easy to drive? Was it safe? YES, YES, and double YES!


We drove uphill, downhill, and in the very cold mountains. This van purred like a kitten the whole time.  Our STAFF had a fantastic trip. 


Here are a couple highlights.

Sam and Cortney- Home School, Tutoring, and Music Teachers. So Cool.


Nathan and Shantel- Fun in the Snow- Web Design and After School Coordinator of Awesome.


Our final destination was visiting family to celebrate New Years in the Blue Ridge area. We had a blast, and we fit ALL these people in the Van.



Happy New Year 2015! Meet me under The Cherry Tree. NEW VAN. After School Pick in Lake Mary.


Come see us!